
Self Promotion, Artist Profile on Bead Arts blog

OK – now it is time for me to “put my money (in my case, time) where my mouth is.” Previously I wrote about self promotion telling all of you to get out there and strut your stuff, speak up – let the world know how wonderful your art is… Stand up, point, reach, instruct and demonstrate. So now I need to follow through and do this myself – so here I stand up and point you in the direction of Cyndi Lavin’s blog: Bead Arts where on May 24th, she has posted an Artist Profile about…… me!

As I state in the interview, Cyndi’s questions helped me do some brain organizing as I thought through and typed out the answers. As you read my profile – think through the questions as if you were writing your own profile and see if it leads you to new pathways or just even encourages you down your current path.

Once you have done that – bop over and take a look at Cyndi’s web site with its opening line:

For outstanding women who don’t mind standing out

There you will “feed your visual sensory system” just what it needs.

Thanks again Cyndi for making me look so good!

– Elaine

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