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How to Use a EuroPower Punch

I’m enjoying using my punch to add a variety of design elements into metal components. I introduced you to the punch in a previous post and a tutorial was requested on using it. I found the directions to be a bit difficult to follow so I thought I writing up a photo tutorial would be helpful.  
About the punch:
The  EuroPower Punch is a great tool for punching various sized holes into metal. The punch can make seven different sized holes ranging in size from 3/32″ to 9/32″ and can be used on metal sheet up to 16 gauge in thickness. 
First, you must decide which size punch to use. You’ll need to insert the punch and its’ corresponding die into the pliers. Initially I found this process to be a bit persnickety. It seemed awkward to manage and I wanted instructions with photos. Rest assured after running through the process a few times it definitely gets easier. Switching from one size punch and die to another size becomes quick and easy.
Begin with the punch lying on your bench top. Screws and depth gauge facing you.
Remove the screw (as shown in above photo) to release the pivot arm. The upper handle and the pivot arm work in tandam and individually. Sounds weird I know but it can take a little fanagling of these two pieces to get the pivot arm where you need it to be later in the process.
Screw in the die that corresponds to the punch you’re using. 
Point to note:
Insert the die portion first or the punch can fall straight through and end up on your bench. 
Position the plier handle and the pivot arm so the hole for the punch is exposed. Insert the punch. You can see in the above photo how I am holding the pivot arm and the handle to allow the hole to be completely exposed.
Insert the punch into the top hole.
Fanagle the pivot arm and top handle to capture the top of the die in the slotted piece of the pivot arm. As shown above. I find it easier to have the Euro punch lying flat on my bench top, while positioning/adjusting the die to meet up with the slotted portion. 
Replace the screw that holds the pivot arm in place.
The punch and die have been successfully installed and you’re ready to punch!
Insert the metal.
I find the pliers to be large to hold in my hands. The smaller size punches are easy to punch while holding the pliers in my hands but as the size of the die increases it becomes a bit more labor intensive and I need to use my bench for leverage in order to cut through the metal. As shown above.
(just an fyi…I don’t usually work in my kitchen but for the purposes of taking photos and avoiding having to clean up my work bench I was.)
Removing the metal from the punch is easy. An extra lift of the upper handle and the metal will pop right off. 

Have fun creating with your punch!
Ema Kilroy is a lampworker and metalsmith living and working in Central Massachusetts.