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Raida Disbrow

inspiration, Monthly Challenges, The Earring Whisperer

The Earring Whisperer: Journey Two Inspiration: The Fairy Tale World Of Virginia Frances Sterrett

Blondine Threw Her Arms Around Him
I know, I know, with all the wonderful things I could pick to focus on, I became obsessed with the floor! Ha! It’s that amazing contrast of color and pattern — that element of surprise the artist threw in. To me, it took the painting to another level. I also love her hand placed gently on the doe’s back so I thought I’d add that element along with a soft white pearl to represent the deer.
Blondine and the Tortoise
Twisting vine-like trees look as if they could also be under water. Here I used amazing lampwork headpins by Kimberly Rogers along with some hand dyed beads and crystals to mimic the surreal trees in this fairytale. The pattern on the tops of the trees also look a lot like the texture on the tortoise’s legs, which I also added to my earrings.
I love how Kimberly layers colors of glass then etches them to enhance that to the fullest.
I call these my Tortoise Toe Earrings! Once again, magnificent glass headpins by Kimberly Rogers of Numinosity Beads. The outline on the glass mimics the pattern on the tortoise’s shell and nails. I used sari silk for the ribbon-like streamers of red in the trees.
Proserpina and the Sea Nymphs
Absolutely lovely porcelain connectors by Melissa Gabelle of The Clay Hen combined with miniature vintage Italian drilled shells. It was a challenge to find a way to present them to show off their color and to face the correct way — and of course, how to attached them?!! Since they are very delicate I decided to use open oval jump-rings and connect them like a chain. Wire-wrapping would have been too risky. After a few redos, I got the combination right!
Here I used some glass water droplet-like headpins by
Raida Disbrow. I repurposed a vintage necklace that had seen better days, by using the Italian coral from it and stacking them into earrings.

Once again, this has been a great experience and a wonderful creative exercise. There are so many levels you can take this type of challenge. You can create with color combinations alone, or be quite literal in your interpretation. I tend to do a little of both – basically whatever moves me most at the time.

Thank you for stopping by, I hope you’ve found something inspiring today and join in by posting some of your creations in our gallery.

Loralee Kolton