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Sky Gypsy Studio


Pinterest Picks with Claire Lockwood

Regular followers of this blog will know that Kaushambi Shah has produced some fabulous pinterest boards for the monthly challenges, and has taken on the role of ABS Pinterest Curator.  Unfortunately, Kaushambi isn’t able to post this month so I’m stepping in.  Kylie Parry did a one-off post several months ago, sharing a number of art bead related boards.  Today I thought I’d shared a selection of pinners I follow, who pin fascinating and inspiring things.  Some have no interest in beads, and aren’t particularly concerned with jewellery, but I love to seek inspiration in all manner of places, and if you are like me, I hope you’ll be interested in checking out the collections these pinners have curated.
It’s peculiar to be writing this post, talking about individuals I know next to nothing about.  What I do know are their tastes and interests and I find lots to admire in the images they pin.  The first pinner who came to mind when I started compiling this post was -SAND-, Sandrine Gergaud, a painter based in Pornic, France.  She has a great selection of boards, ranging from more general collections (drawings, mixed media artworks) to the peculiar and quirky (little houses, spinning tops and girls with moustaches!)  I particularly like her colours combo board.  Here’s a selection of images from her collections.
(clockwise from top left: jazzman (flickr); Boomkamp (tumblr); paperiaarre (flickr); ngaiolenz (flickr); Nancy Chow (flickr))
Next up, a pinner who shares some really fabulous jewellery finds.  Amanda Thon is a metalsmith based in Florida. Beside her collections of rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, etc., there are boards devoted to packaging, display, tools, sketch books, and much, much more.
(clockwise from left: Nikki Couppee; Ed Wiener; Moorigin; Reka Fekete; Becky Crow)

Vicki P of Sky Gypsy Studio has similar selection of jewellery-focused boards, alongside a great range of art in different media.
(clockwise from top left: Stacey Bently; Kathleen Dustin; Nina Bagley)
Next, something for polymer fans. Cara Jane Hayman is a polymer designer based in Bristol in the UK.  Her enthusiasm for her medium can be seen in her vast collection of polymer-related boards.  There are also stacks of tutorials, so if you are a clayer you may want to check those out too. 
(clockwise from top left: Maniguette (flickr); Kathleen Dustin; Artybecca; Elena Fadeeva)
Finally, an artist from the North of England, Helen Birch, aka draw draw draw, whose boards include ‘2D drawings’, ‘3D drawings’, ‘Found drawings’, ‘Sketchbooks’, ‘Textile, Surface, Pattern’.  I’m always finding fascinating new images via draw, draw, draw.  
(clockwise from top left: Fiona Rae; Thomas Jackson; Yves Kline; Nick Turpin; Antoni Tapies; John Ruskin)
I hope you’ve found something here that catches your eye. Do feel free to share your favourite boards in the comments, art bead related or more general.  While I’m here, here’s a link to my pinterest boards.
Bye for now, Claire