
Desperate Guest Bloggers in the ABS Neighborhood

News Flash!! The paparazzi are hot on the trail of Desperate Guest Blogger, Lorelei. They caught a quick shot of her in her famous Owl Shirt. But when they asked why she had been locked up recently, she turned on her heels and ran.

As she was sprinting across the Desperate ABS Neighborhood and away from the cameras, Lorelei shoved the paparrazi and told them to “Buzz Off!”

While the paparazzi chase Lorelei down Hysteria Lane, let’s see what else is going on with the Desperate Bead Bloggers….

About.com Jewelry Making
Tammy was having some major deja vu while reviewing this mainly metal jewelry making book.

Art Bead Scene
Do you love stamping? Check out Art Bead Scene for a review of metal stamps and a link to a tutorial!

Jewelry & Beading
Get your “Mental Gears” working…and win a free pendant!

Naughty Secretary Club
Anyone headed out to BEA (Book Expo of America) in Los Angeles next weekend? Stop by the F&W booth (#1351) to keep Jen company and to score a free Naughty Secretary Club T-shirt. You are going to need one for a project in The Naughty Secretary Club: The Working Girls Guide to Jewelry.

Snap out of it, Jean! There’s beading to be done!
Jean explains why she loves a certain necklace she made for summer, and looks forward to writing about jewelry in the upcoming month!

Did you know the Desperate ABS Neighbors open up their studios on Saturdays? Stop by and read Studio Saturdays to find out more about the Desperate Neighbors of the Art Bead Scene!

Did you read or write any good dirt on a bead blog this week?
Leave us a comment and a link and tell us the latest scoop!

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2 Comment

  1. Suzann Wilson
    May 27, 2008 at 12:48 pm

    Hi everyone!
    Since you ased for information about a bead blog, I thought I would let you know about my own!For the past three weeks I have been beading a 3.5 ft high, 2 ft wide, 7 ft long fiberglass rainbow for a local charity, Rainbow Hospice. The are raising money/aweness for their Camp Good Morning progam that helps kids who have lost a parent or a sibling. Come check out how my progress is going! http://www.suzannwilson.blogspot.com

  2. LampworkDiva
    May 27, 2008 at 6:21 pm

    Hi Suzann-

    Thanks for posting the scoop on your beaded Rainbow! That’s spreading the beady-goodness!


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