
Featured Designer of the Week – Bee Tree by m.e.

Each week the Art Bead Scene features a Designer of the Week.
One of our editors picks her favorite from the Monthly Challenge entries
This week’s winner is Bee Tree by m.e.. Read more about her necklace here.

Here is what ABS editor Rebecca Anderson had to say about Mary Ellen’s design:

“I love how Mary Ellen has picked out the gorgeous floral design on the armchair behind Olga and captured these in her own handmade polymer leaves. And the raggy cotton ribbon, with its dashes of raspberry on sand, adds a lovely lightness and sense of playfulness to the piece. Great work!”

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2 Comment

  1. m.e.
    July 8, 2013 at 7:44 pm

    what a great way to start my day !
    Thank you .
    Looking forward to seeing more entries
    m.e. aka Mary Ellen 😉

  2. Rebecca
    July 9, 2013 at 12:38 am

    Thank you for the correction, Mary Ellen, and apologies! I don't know where I got Melissa from, but i was sure that was correct….I'll know for next time!

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