
Fit to Print Book Review: Vintage Redux

How much dust has collected on the jewelry grandma gave you? It’s time to pull it out and upcycle it. How you ask? Enter author Brenda Schweder who has the answer for you in her new book, Vintage Redux: Remake Class and Collectible Jewelry. Schweder begins by defining vintage and what is collectible versus “redux-able.” There’s a section on cleaning, repairing and storing jewelry that I found particularly useful. A re-stringing project at the very beginning gets you in the frame of mind to remake jewelry.

Next are the projects organized into three major categories, New Order Redux, Unexpected Redux and Heirloom Redux. New Order Redux includes projects where vintage is remade into modern pieces. Unexpected Redux shows the reader how to use vintage buckles, buttons and even a cape closure and make them into accessories. Heirloom Redux adds modern designs to your heirlooms without altering your treasure. The “Classy Rings” heirloom project using 1940’s high school rings for a bracelet was a favorite.

I love the possibilities Vintage Redux opens up for using art beads! One of my favorite projects is “Mod Squad” – you could substitute the large flower pin with an art bead and make a modern bracelet. You could use several art beads instead of the cameos in the”Mona Lisas’ Smile” project. Schweder has written a very versatile book! You can take your stash of art beads and combine it with you stash of grandma’s beads and the possibilities to upcycle and create an original piece of art jewelry are endless!

(Photo Credit: Kalmbach Publishing)

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2 Comment

  1. Brenda Schweder
    November 13, 2008 at 3:21 pm

    Hi Cindy! Thanks so much for reviewing Vintage Redux in your way-cool blog! It was so much fun to write, that I just keep finding new trinkets (ones that have made their way to me from my family, friends and neighbors) to redux! The possibilities make my mind explode!

    BTW, I’ve checked out your site! BEAUTIFUL glass work. Yum, yum!!


  2. Cindy Gimbrone
    November 16, 2008 at 11:37 am

    Hi Brenda!

    Thanks for stopping by and for checking out my site 🙂 Love the book and I look forward to what other ideas you’ll come up with!

    Keep creating!

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