
July 2012 Challenge Color Palette

Anyone who ever wondered if color really plays a role in art need only look to the work of Pablo Picasso to see that yes, it most certainly does.

July’s challenge painting, Picasso’s Two Acrobats with a Dog, was painted right in the middle of his Rose Period. This was the time when Picasso was slowly coming out of the severe depression that marked his Blue Period, and the colors Picasso used here signify that recovery.

He’s still using a lot of blue with this painting, and pretty much any shade of blue he could get his hands on – dark blues, gray blues, bright blues, light blues – but the Rose Period sees a return to warmer colors, too. In Two Acrobats with a Dog, I spy creamy tans, soft oranges, spots of yellow and yellowish greens, and just a touch here and there of a desaturated, rosy pink.

So as you plan your challenge pieces, do like Picasso and look at using lots of blues in several shades, with touches of either pink or tan or brown to warm it up. Use grayish browns, blacks, and darker blues to keep it grounded. Blue lovers should get a kick out this month’s challenge!

What colors do you see?

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1 Comment

  1. Shel
    July 5, 2012 at 2:05 pm

    Brandi – even w/no time right now to participate, you make me want to join in the fun!! I do see lots of blues and grays which are always a fav of mine!

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