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August Monthly Challenge Sponsors


August Monthly Challenge Sponsors: Allegory Gallery + Summer Wind

We have two very talented artists as our wonderful sponsor for the August Challenge. We will have 2  Lucky Winners this Month!

Allegory Gallery
Andrew Thornton of Allegory Gallery creates handmade jewelry, jewelry components and unique art at his studio in Ligonier, Pennsylvania.

“We are a creative space that’s one part bead store, one part jewelry boutique, one part fine art gallery, and one part gift shop. The aim of Allegory Gallery is to promote artisan craftspeople, inspire the community to explore their creativity, and act as a focal point for classes and artistic education in the area.”

Andrew is donating in everything pictured above valued over $50 which is composed of Czech Glass, vintage plastic, blue tiger eye, chocolate jasper, Marsha Neal cabochon, vintage seed beads, and waxed linen.  
Visit Andrew on FacebookEtsyTwitterInstagramAndrew’s Blog and Allegory Blog.
: :
Summer Wind
Ashley Bonney creates handmade wood beads by woodburning the design and handpainting each one. Ashley is also a jewelry designer and accepts custom orders. 
All of this fabulous creativity happens in her Lynchburg Virginia studio.

Ashley is donating beads and components valued over $50.

Visit Ashley at her Facebook and Etsy Shop.

Twelve Princesses on the way to the Dance by Kay Nieslen

New instructions on where to submit photos of your wonderful Jewelry and Bead creations will be coming soon!!
This Month’s art has many different elements that can be used for inspiration:  female form, couture, trees, night, peaches, pinks, and high contrast.
We can’t wait to see where your creativity takes you with the art for this month’s challenge! 
**IMPORTANT** Please remember to put AUG ABS in the title or tag of your submission(s).  Details for where to post your entries are coming soon.
Provide us with the artist of the Art Beads used and we always love to know all the materials you used. 
***Art Beads MUST be used in your entry.***