
Inside the Studio :: Erin Prais-Hintz of Tesori Trovati

to Inside the Studio! 
Each week one of our contributors gives you a
sneak peek into their studio, creative process or inspirations. We ask a
related question of our readers and hope you’ll leave comments! As an
incentive we offer a free prize each week to bribe you to use that keyboard. The following week we choose a random winner.
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This weeks winner is  Carol of Dillman’s Dallies. Congratulations!
You have won a Jack-O-Lantern pendant from Gaea Cannaday of Gaea Handmade.

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This week we visit the studio of Erin Prais-Hintz of Tesori Trovati Jewelry.
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 I have small but mighty group of talented designers who have signed onto my
Simple Truths Sampler Club
Each month, I promise to send them a goodie in the form of one of my Simple Truths polymer clay designs. These will be limited edition and available first to the Club members but then possibly released to the public at the full retail value through my Etsy site.
They don’t get to choose, but they tell me that is part of the fun!
This year, I decided that instead of making what the spirit moved me to do, I would challenge myself to make something inspired by the artwork chosen for the monthly Art Bead Scene challenges. Sometimes that is a daunting thing to do because I am so very inspired, and just like you, sometimes I am not inspired at all! But it is an extra challenge to me to come up with something new and exciting every month, it helps me push my creative boundaries and try new techniques, plus the Challenge Art is just so darned impressive, that it is a joy to create! 

I hope that my Club members enjoy what they get (I have several members who keep coming back year after year, so they must love it) and I love to see what they do (I have a Pinterest Board devoted to their clever and inspiring designs). 

Want to see what you may have missed out on? Here is a look at the limited edition offerings that my Simple Truths Sampler Club has received in 2013:

It’s really gratifying to see all the progress that I made this year! I have tried new techniques, like carving my own molds in January, using an open backed bezel in March, making my own scenic canes for the first time in June and a Stroppel cane in August and even hand sculpting a design in September.

So, you might be asking, 
what is next for the Simple Truths Sampler?
I am not really sure, but I
already have designs in the works (read: in my overworked brain 😉 for
November and December (I picked the art for December and I am so
excited to share it with you!).  I guess you will have to stay tuned to
find out! And I can’t wait to see what happens next year! I
intend to keep this plan in place for the 2014 Club as well. And while
there are only a maximum of 20 spaces available any month (there are spaces open now, you know, in case you are interested), I would love to have you. You can choose from 3-, 6-, 9- or 12- months subscription that suits your budget and needs. 

Wouldn’t that make a great gift for a jewelry designer you love? (Or you! Especially you! 😉

Since this month the theme of the painting features an owl, and I recently released two new owls to join my parliament of Woodsy and Motley owls – Snowy and Great Grey – I gave a choice to the Club members of one of the four types of owls. And of course, I have a few left from this batch that haven’t made it into jewelry for my holiday shows or the new boutique that is carrying my owl jewelry. 

I will select one of the remaining owls (surprise!) to fly to the home of a random winner drawn on October 25th if you answer one of these questions: 
If you regularly participate in the ABS monthly challenges, why do you do it? 
If you do not regularly participate in the ABS monthly challenges, what would encourage you to participate more? 
We have over 3,000 members who follow us regularly from around the world. And there are likely many, many more that also follow us. We would love to see more entries in our Monthly Challenge Recap/Blog Hop and have been making changes around here to spruce things up and bring you even more inspiration. We would love to have your feedback! We can’t thank you enough for being a part of our Art Bead world and look forward to the future!

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39 Comment

  1. KayzKreationz
    October 18, 2013 at 11:33 am

    I love your little owls. I haven't participated yet, although I've really been inspired to a couple of times, but either didn't have the time to finish my idea or more often than not, didn't have an art bead to make the design from. But keep looking and trying to come up with a design for at least one challenge.

  2. beadrecipes
    October 18, 2013 at 11:39 am

    I would love to participate in the ABS challenge every month, but I find time runs away with (from!) me, more often than I would like. I think I have entered 3 so far this year.
    I tend to enter if the picture immediately gives me an idea or if I have a bead or selection of beads that I know would work with the theme or colour palette. Due to the mailing time to Australia I find I usually don't have time to order something specifically for the challenge, instead I challenge myself to use something from my own stash.

  3. autumndawns
    October 18, 2013 at 11:56 am

    Hi Erin,

    I started participating in the challenges in July. I enjoy being part of a community. It's fun to see how diverse the creations are even though we are all starting from the same point.

    I love the art. Usually. I found the August inspiration a bit difficult but I really love what you created.

    This month I'm making my own art beads. I love the design process. Where I bog down is in the execution so it's nice to have that deadline to keep the procrastinating in check.

    I thank all of you for taking the time to do this.

  4. Julie Tomes
    October 18, 2013 at 12:09 pm

    I suppose I just don't have time! I love looking at everyone else's designs and get so inspired, but I need to just force myself to sit down and bead!

  5. Shirley Moore
    October 18, 2013 at 12:58 pm

    Such lovely pieces Erin! I agree, sometimes it is hard to be inspired by a particular scene, but I think you captured the feel of all these in a unique and beautiful piece of jewelry.
    I don't participate in the challenge, since my jewelry doesn't qualify, but I do enjoy seeing the creations!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Sarajo Wentling
    October 18, 2013 at 1:57 pm

    I've enjoyed seeing how you've been responding to the monthly challenges with your creations. I keep strongly hinting to my husband that a subscription to the Simple Truths Sampler Club would be a fabulous gift… maybe for Christmas!

    I've been pretty regularly participating in the ABS monthly challenges this year. I think I really just like the idea of art inspired by art. It's always fun to see the new inspiration artwork and then go digging through my art bead stash to see what I can make work. It's also nice to have a jumping off point for creating and focusing a design sometimes… unlimited options can be intimidating!

    Some months I'm more inspired than others (like you mention… I think this is natural) and sometimes I either don't have any beads that work (and no time to shop) or just plain old no time for an additional challenge.

    I'm so glad that I discovered this blog and got the guts to participate in the challenges. It's such fun to see all the different and fabulous designs folks come up with each month!

  7. Susanm
    October 18, 2013 at 2:21 pm

    I do participate in the Monthly Challenge from time to time. My motivation depends largely on whether or not the inspiration piece resonates with me. The other factor that influences my decision to participate is whether or not I need to order a specific component to make a piece for the challenge – shipping ot Canada from the US has gone up significantly in the last year, so I shop carefully.

  8. freshbakeddesigns
    October 18, 2013 at 2:27 pm

    Thanks for the peeking into the treasury of unique pendants for the ABS challenges. And into your creative growth this year, Erin. I do try to submit designs for these challenges as much as I can. Just amazed at the choices that are selected each month for inspiration! I've found that much of what thrills me is the colors or mood of the piece, rather than the literal subject.
    For the first one, I purchased art beads. After that, I pushed myself into working with polymer clay to make my own. What a lovely adventure! Thank you, guys!!


  9. Alisa
    October 18, 2013 at 3:05 pm

    I have to admit I don't enter because of two reasons:
    1. I just found this site! Haha
    2. I'm still a novice and my work isn't really 'up to' the level of artists here. But I keep practicing!

    I don't know if this idea will work, but maybe have a newbie category along with the regular one every quarter?

  10. Angi
    October 18, 2013 at 3:06 pm

    First, let me say, I'm a big fan! Your approach to creating is so inspiring! I have not participated in the monthly challenge before. I guess I've always been afraid my work was not as good as the amazingly talented designers who are showcased here. This month, I joined my very first blog hop! I don't have a blog but the lovely Sharyl McMillian-Nelson from Sharyl's Jewelry has offered to let me post on hers! What a wonderful learning experience! I had so much fun I almost forgot to be nervous! The big reveal is 10-19-13, so please go to Sharyl's Jewelry and check out the Seed Bead and Metal Blog Hop! This project has reminded me that creating is about learning and having fun. I had forgotten that. I can't wait for the chance to join another blog hop/challenge!

    Angi Mullis [email protected]

  11. Alisa
    October 18, 2013 at 3:23 pm

    An update…I see the drawing for the monthly prize is random. So no need for a newbie category! I do see that I need more artbeads though! Does green girl studio count?

  12. sandi m
    October 18, 2013 at 3:37 pm

    Hoot!! Love, love the new owl colors. Fun to see your interpretation of each month's art. My very fav ~ August.

    Why don't I participate? Time, and sometimes the piece of art. I gotta love the inspiration and colors to be inspired. But mostly I've been doing a lot of custom pieces that design-wise take me in many directions. So it's relaxing to just enjoy the monthly tours that you so creatively write.

  13. Diane (Dewdrop Designs)
    October 18, 2013 at 4:03 pm

    I don't participate because I am disabled and have a chronic illness which leaves me bed ridden a lot. because I never know how I will feel on any given day, week or month and it can change without warning, I don't make commitments. There have been many challenges that I would like to participate in, but the one time I did commit, I was unable to finish anywhere near on time. What would convince me to participate would be a health miracle! I love those Owls!

  14. Erin S
    October 18, 2013 at 4:31 pm

    I always look at the challenge each month. Like you, sometimes a design comes to mind immediately, and sometimes not at all. I have participated on occasion, but not on a regular basis. Its mostly a time thing for me–if I get around to it, great. If not, oh well, I'll check back next month.

  15. Saraccino
    October 18, 2013 at 5:02 pm

    As I already follow your blog, I already had the chance to admire most of your work (except for the last two beads 🙂 ). I would love to win a little owl made by you! I am also a little bit playing with creating owl beads (yes, took long enough…).

    I always want to take part of your monthly challenge. I just somehow miss the time always… it is not that I don't start but before I finish the month is already over. This has nothing to do with your challenges (because they really motivate me!) but rather with me going from deadline to deadline in the lab and not knowing where to find any time for me at all 🙁

  16. Kim Stevens
    October 18, 2013 at 5:49 pm

    Wow Erin, you are just so talented. I adore that bead scene and August…so fabulous. Well and the tulips, but who am I fooling, they are all so good!

  17. Kim Stevens
    October 18, 2013 at 5:51 pm

    Forgot about the question….Since getting into photography I've let my studio go to beads in a basket (a mess). I need to just tidy it up as I'm getting the itch again to create with my hands too, not just my camera.

  18. Karin G
    October 18, 2013 at 7:07 pm

    I've been participating almost every month since May. I had been following it from the outside, then in March I decided to blog and it took me two more months to jump in. I was impressed, but I really enjoyed the challenge of creating from a painting. Since then I've been waiting for the challenge, enjoying the thoughts and creative process to try and interpret a different painting every month. I like to be forced out of my comfort zone, having to search for ways of expressing what I feel about the paintings and then last but not least , there is the pleasure of going through my stash of art beads to find the ones that will echo the painting.

  19. Leah Curtis
    October 18, 2013 at 9:29 pm

    I love the monthy challenges, even when I don't enter. When I do enter, it's because I find the painting inspiring either because I like the palette or it sparks something in me. If I had more time, I'd probably do all the challenges! But I do try to do the ones that really "speak" to me.

  20. Shannon Chomanczuk
    October 19, 2013 at 12:21 am

    I do not participate because I am so bad at deadlines! I really wish I had a better scheduling system so I could participate. Organization is my word and goal for next year!
    Shannon C

  21. Ann Schroeder
    October 19, 2013 at 1:15 am

    I participate in the monthly challenges because it encourages me to not only create something but also go outside my comfort zone. What makes it easy to participate is the timeline – a calendar month so it doesn't sneak up on me. I encourage anyone sitting on the sidelines thinking they can't do it to try! The Art Bead Scene editors and followers are a very encouraging and generous group!

  22. Kelly Godlewski
    October 19, 2013 at 1:37 am

    These are just beautiful and I love to see the inspiration and then the final finished item. I just found this blog and I am excited to look around and see more!

  23. Kelly Godlewski
    October 19, 2013 at 1:40 am

    These are just beautiful and I love to see where the inspiration comes from and then the final finished product. I just found this blog and I am excited to look around and see more!

  24. Carol D.
    October 19, 2013 at 3:46 am

    Ohhhhh! I am so excited to win the Jack-o-Lantern pendant. Can't wait to see it in person.
    Also on the question about the Monthly Challenge:
    My reason for not participating would have to be that the directions to enter just seemed a little daunting. I don't usually use Flickr so I would have to read all the instructions. I will look at it again and maybe give it a chance this month.

  25. Kristen
    October 19, 2013 at 12:26 pm

    I love the idea of the challenges and I'm always excited to see all the talented designers and their interpretations. What keeps me from taking part is a full time job and a jewelry supplies business. My free time is taken up by keeping my shop stocked. My goal is to give it a try one of these months!

  26. autumndawns
    October 19, 2013 at 2:43 pm

    I love the ABS challenges. I've been participating since July.

    It helps me to expand my horizons. I'm drawn to seed beads, so the art beads are a focal. It's even inspired em to create my own art beads.

  27. Kathy Lindemer
    October 19, 2013 at 3:23 pm

    I am amazed at how your beads capture the flavor of each painting. Beautiful work!

  28. autumndawns
    October 19, 2013 at 9:06 pm

    Erin, I want to thank all of you for the work you do creating this blog.

    I love the ABS challenges. I started participating in July. It encourages me to expand my horizons and having the deadline is good for procrastinators like me.

  29. Susan Lloyd
    October 19, 2013 at 11:06 pm

    I won a free 3 months of your club and I love your work; however, I just cannot afford the cost on a regular basis. not that you are outrageously expensive, but, as a single mama, I have to carefully choose. one day I hope to be able to join

  30. Susan Delaney
    October 20, 2013 at 12:34 am

    I've only worked with polymer since January and I have an infinite amount to learn! I enter the challenge because it offers me the opportunity to stretch and grow. This month I used colors on my gingko leaves that I'd never dreamed of, to go with the color challenge. Last month, I adapted a design in a vintage ivory pendant to faux ivory. The month before I allowed the painting to tell me what to make. I feel like I am growing every month.

  31. stregajewellry
    October 20, 2013 at 5:03 am

    I love to see the monthly challenges and love Art Bead Scene. I've never participated. I guess I just do not have enough confidence. Maybe I should make this one of next year's goals. Yes, maybe I should.

  32. Mackin-Art
    October 20, 2013 at 1:37 pm

    In the past I participated regularly, but I've found it difficult recently due to time constraints and the lack of a market for my time intensive (read expensive) style. I would like to find a way to make it work, as some of my past entries were some of my more creative work – I always seem to look at things bit differently than other participants..

  33. fulgorine
    October 20, 2013 at 4:39 pm

    I take part as often as I can. With two babies, I don't get a lot of creative time, and I find the challenge really helps give me a focus. I like the fact that all skill levels are welcome, and the chance of winning a prize is awesome.

  34. Linda
    October 20, 2013 at 10:31 pm

    I haven't participated in monthly challenges because I just found out about them and your monthly membership. I got to see your work this past weekend at Heather Powers Inspired by Nature Retreat. You are so talented and I hope to obtain more of your work. Wonderful weekend by the way..

  35. Urbanscapes...
    October 20, 2013 at 10:36 pm

    Hi Erin,

    Its LOVELY to see how your designs have evolved around the last few challenges ! The August focal is my favorite 🙂

    I LOVE the ABS Challenges and you have no idea how I wait to see a new painting every month!
    I religiously nurture the ABS challenge pinterest boards every month and blog about them!
    I just have to get better about handcrafting a jewelry piece every month now…


  36. lynn
    October 21, 2013 at 12:33 am

    Hi Erin, I have not participated, would love too, but I always run out of time.. By the way you might be seeing me here more often, love to see the work of an artist. And who-who love those little guys..Lynn Gonzalez

  37. Kathy
    October 21, 2013 at 1:34 am

    I participate fairly regularly. The main reason I enjoy doing this is it helps me to stretch my creativity. I always come up with a piece that is totally out of my comfort zone. I have fun doing it, too. I love colors and following the inspiration of the art. That is my goal, and I let my usual restrictions on myself drop,

  38. Shaiha
    October 21, 2013 at 4:56 pm

    I have been saving up my pennies so that I can join your club. I do tend to join in on the monthly challenges if my health permits.

  39. Colleen
    October 21, 2013 at 7:36 pm

    I'm new here and am checking out the blog after meeting Erin and Heather this weekend. Their advice to people like me who don't really have an easily accessible "beading community" is to get more involved online. Not just reading blogs, but making comments and participating in challenges to stretch yourself. So, I'm determined to enter at least one of the challenges remaining for the year. – Colleen

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