
June Monthly Challenge Prizes

Our wonderful sponsors for the May Monthly Challenge. 
We will have 2 winners this month.
Karen Totten of Starry Road Studio creates ceramic charms, pendants and components.
Her work has a very earthy feel, which has wonderful possibilities when creating jewelry.
Karen is donating a $50 gift certificate to her etsy shop.
Visit Starry Road Studio at her Etsy shopblog, Facebook and website.
: : :
Heather Powers of Humblebeads creates fantabulous polymer clay beads and components.
Who doesn’t love Heather’s work? She will have new Pendants and components at the Bead & Buttons show in Milwaukee, Booth 1212. Stop by and say Hi!
Heather is donating a $50 gift certificate to Humblebeads.com.
Visit the Humblebeads on her websiteblog and etsy shop.
 Submit photos of your wonderful creations using one or more Art Beads.
Ophelia by Odilon Redon is lovely impressionistic painting with many different elements that can be used for inspiration, texture, color, female forms, mother & child and couture.
We can’t wait to see where your creativity takes you with the art for this months challenge
Please remember to put JUNEABS in the title or tag of your submission(s).  
Provide us with the artist of the Art Beads used and we always love to know all the materials you used. 
Addition to the Monthly Challenge!
7000 Bracelets for Hope Challenge
This month we’d like to encourage our community to rally together and send in a handmade blue bracelet to the 7000 Bracelets for Hope project.  The bracelets will be donated to families with children suffering from rare disease and disorders.  Visit the website for complete details on creating and donating a bracelet.  http://www.globalgenesproject.org/7kbracelets.php

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7 Comment

  1. KayzKreationz
    June 3, 2011 at 12:44 pm

    They both have wonderful beads/supplies. Love them.

  2. SueBeads
    June 3, 2011 at 1:23 pm

    Woo Hoo – yummy prizes!

  3. somethingunique
    June 3, 2011 at 4:50 pm

    Hi, omg what a wonderful incentive for this challenge and those #'s 1212 my family would laugh but i'm telling you those #'s have been following me around for the past several months.Countless times i have looked at the clock and the time was 1212 one time when shopping the roast i picked up was $12.12 and when driving a car in front of me had the #'s 1212 in the plate i don't know what it means but it's been kinda freakie or maybe i'm the freak 😛 take care ttfn L:)

  4. Yolanda M.
    June 3, 2011 at 5:01 pm

    I love Karen's ceramic work, and am always wowed by Heather's beads as well. Great prizes!

  5. My Life Under the Bus
    June 4, 2011 at 5:56 pm

    Looks like some lovely stash!

  6. nicki
    June 6, 2011 at 4:16 am

    Hello, I haven't submitted to the monthly challenges before but plan to for June. Just wanted to check that so long as the main focal is a beautiful art bead can we use whatever we like to make up the rest of the piece (including non-art beads)…gemstones for example…?

  7. Heather Powers
    June 6, 2011 at 1:43 pm

    Hi Nicki – yes, as long as you at least one art bead you can use whatever else you'd like in your design. Have fun creating!

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