Art Journey Challenges, Wrap Up

Art Journey #7 Wrap Up

It was great to see how the various paintings we selected for this Art Journey #7 inspired you! There were leopard spots and lion heads and kitty cats galore! But there were also flowers and arrows and acorns and leaves. Take a look back at Art Journey #7.

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We pick one winner from all who post during our Art Journey challenges to get a prize package from one of our editors. This prize package includes a fantastic set of assorted art beads from the stash of Sarajo Wentling. This prize package worth more than $50 includes some crystal strands along with Golem Studios ceramic art beads, a laser wood pendant from Allegory Gallery, and a Green Girl Studios silver geometric pendant, all of which will work well for the upcoming Art Journey #8 challenge.

Congratulations BHClaysmith!

Send an email to [email protected] so that I can make arrangements to have your prize sent to you!

Stay tuned for the Art Journey #8! I will be back tomorrow with our Art Journey Launch Pad to get you started.

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