Aubrey Beardsley has a large compilation of black and white artwork. I felt his work was the perfect inspiration needing a little sgraffito action from me. If you are interested in the sgraffito process on clay – here is a great little video to show you how it is done.
Here are some sgraffito earring components I have come up with by painting unfired porcelain (greenware), then using a sharp tool, I carve out some clay to reveal the white porcelain. I have always loved this look and will be playing with it more in the near future.

I could take endless inspiration from Aubrey’s paintings!! Here are all the porcelain components I put into a collage showing exactly where my inspiration came from. It’s kind of like a spot and find game. So many little bits that stood out to me from within the larger artwork! Time is the only inspiration killer for this Journey!

This is our first journey of 2020 at ABS and my first time posting in quite a while. My family and I moved twice within a year, and one was across the Country. I am thrilled to say life has settled and I once again have a studio!!! It’s so nice to be back at ABS as well as back in my studio!
Erin Prais-Hintz
February 6, 2020 at 10:34 amOh how good it is to hear your voice again, Miss Terri! These sgraffito pieces are stunning. I adore how you honed in on specific patterns and areas in each. Truly lovely. I am working through my own ideas similar to this but in polymer clay. Love all that you have created! And so happy to have you back at it! Enjoy the day! Erin
Ann Schroeder
February 6, 2020 at 9:42 pmThese are wonderful! I always love the sgraffito technique when I see it. I love how each piece you made is just beautiful on its own, but then there is another dimension when we see where it came from the inspiration.